One Liner:

Event Horizon is an interactive story-driven #CNFT collection with puzzle-game features displaying portraits of famous scientists in a comic-book art style.

The Story:

Event Horizon is set in an alternate timeline, starting on March 14th, 2018. The main protagonist of the story, Stephen Hawking, conducted an experiment using black holes.

Reaching out from beyond the Event Horizon, his aim was to bring 20 of the brightest minds in history together, himself included, to resolve some of humanity’s most pressing issues.

However, the experiment was a partial success - everyone, including himself, was transported somewhere, a space and time defying our currently known laws of physics. If there was any hope of saving humanity, they would first need to save themselves...

And you can help them! Collect NFTs and use our Storifier to find out how the first chapter of the story unfolds: Season One covers the details of where our protagonists found themselves and how they fared. Uncover puzzle pieces embedded in the stories to unlock the Season ending.
